We’re California’s
No. 1 Pear Grower
Rivermaid Trading Company is the largest California-based pear supplier with over 4,000 acres of pear orchards. In partnership with our expert pear farmers, Rivermaid handles over 50 percent of all pears grown in California and we source product from Sacramento Delta, Lake and Mendocino growing regions as well as from Hood River, Oregon. We’re the largest producer of California Bartlett and Bosc pears and we’re pleased to include organics in our offerings.

Pear Varieties


Bartlett Season: Mid-July – December
Growing Region: Sacramento River Delta, California, Lake and Mendocino Counties, Northern California, Rogue River Valley Oregon and The Hood River Valley, Oregon
Flavor Profile: The Bartlett has the quintessential pear flavor. It is considered the sweetest and juiciest of all the pears. It is the most popular variety in America
Ripening: Sometimes the Bartletts in grocery stores are green. Green Bartletts will change to yellow as they ripen at home when left at room temperature. Do not refrigerate until your Bartletts are at the ripeness you desire
The Bartlett is perfect to eat out of hand. It’s also good for fruit salads or slicing into lettuce salads with crumbled blue cheese. The Bartlett is an excellent pear for canning and cooking.

Golden Bosc

Golden Bosc Season: Late July - November
Growing Region: Sacramento River Delta, Lake and Mendocino Counties California, Rogue River Valley and The Hood River Valley, Oregon
Flavor Profile: Beneath the russet skin is a sweet-spicy flesh that is tender and crunchy
Ripening: The Golden Bosc is a firmer pear. Allow it to ripen at room temperature. It is ready to eat when it gives to gentle pressure at its neck and when you see its stem begin to shrivel at its base
The Golden Bosc is ideal for baking, poaching and cooking. However it is also excellent eaten sliced with strong cheeses and wine.

Rivermaid Red

Rivermaid Red Season: Late July – mid-November
Growing Region: The Sacramento River Delta, California, Lake and Mendocino Counties, California
Flavor Profile: The beautiful Rivermaid Red Pear has the same flavor and texture as the Bartlett
Ripening: The skin of the Rivermaid will display and brighter and brighter red color as it ripens. When it yields to gentle pressure, it is ready to eat
The Rivermaid Red is best eaten sliced and eaten alone or served with strong cheeses. The Rivermaid Red’s juiciness keeps it from being a good cooking pear


Starkrimson Season: Early-July – Mid-September
Growing Region: The Sacramento River Delta, California
Flavor Profile: Like the Bartlett, the Starkrimson has the classic pear flavor
Ripening: The Starkrimson turns from a dark crimson red to a bright crimson red as it ripens
Think of it much like you would a Bratlett. However, the Starkrimson’s unique color adds a gourmet touch to salads, desserts and cooking


Sunsprite Season: Late June – early-July
Growing Region: The Sacramento River Delta, California
Flavor Profile: Sweet and flavorful — nicknamed “Baby Bartlett” for its familiar shape
Ripening: The Sunsprite’s green skin yellows slightly when fully ripe
Well-suited for kids’ lunches and excellent as an appetizer


Anjou Season: Late-September – January (The Anjou is a unique pear in that it stores well in commercial cold storage. This means Anjou’s can be shipped to market nine months out of the year)
Growing Region: Rogue River valley, Oregon and The Hood River Valley, Oregon
Flavor Profile: The Anjou has a dense flesh that is mildly sweet
Ripening: The Anjou skin is bright green and sometimes can show a soft blush. The skin color changes only subtly during the ripening process. The Anjou is ripe when it yields to gentle pressure at the stem end
The Anjou is a versatile pear. Its dense flesh makes it hold up well in cooking but it also eats well sliced or out of hand